Monday, August 8, 2011

Final Post!

I have found this class to be rather enlightening. I wake up every morning to find an entertaining post by Mr. Butts and usually at some point in reading it I experience a little chuckle. The workload in the class was very easy to handle and I had no problem keeping up with my assignments. I very much enjoyed the medium of the blog. I liked having the class online rather than a classroom setting as it made it a lot easier to manage my time. I am very glad that I took this online summer course and will probably consider doing the same thing next summer in order to make my fall and spring semesters easier. Thanks a ton Mr. B!!!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Paper URL Repost!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Link to Paper!!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Real Reality

Reality is that which defines the features of our surroundings. There are frontiers of modern science which have began to shake the foundations of the description of reality. Some say that this world is nothing more than a computer simulation because at the quantum level things become pixelated. I believe that reality is based on human bias. There is no way of telling if the world disappears when we are not looking. There is no way to define anything other than what we define as real. Real is anything within human existence. Saying that dreams are not real would be a false statement, because they do actually occur and there is a measurable biological process behind it. Within reality lies actuality. Things which we as humans perceive to be flawlessly existent and ever dependent to be "real" are what we "actually" experience throughout daily life. There are other things which are real that people either do not know about, or pass off as hoax. I am not claiming the existence of aliens or sasquatches, but many inherent aspects of life are known only by a few people. Imagine a cosmologist explaining the origins of the universe to a grade school child. The child would be so perplexed he would not even be able to try to understand it. Some things which fit into the category of real may be so complex and startling that we as human beings do not have the mental capacity to grasp them. Real is not only what shapes our lives, it is also what gives us life.

Monday, July 25, 2011


This is a great dance video from the french pop singer, Yelle. The obvious organization of the video is to fit the tune of the song. But, there are also other things related to how the dancers are presented. It at first just shows one dancer. He is being highlighted as the leader of the group and the other two begin the video by simply swaying about in the background. As the song builds they enter and begin dancing in the background, but they are still overshadowed by the main dancer. Then, it goes to scenes showing each person dancing individually, and finally finishes with all the dancers being portrayed equally. This shows an organizational build-up from the individual to the team.

Sculptural Rhetoric

This is a sculpture/monument which has the name of an honorable teacher from every year since it was built. The bell above the names of the instructors is a symbol of prestige and the large brick structure which holds it up shows the strength of the teachers. This picture shows something which is very simple, yet very eye-catching. A passerby would not simply glimpse at this and move on, he or she would inquire as to what the stone plaque has written on it. I definitely find this form of rhetoric to be very interesting. Nobody walks by a sculpture without wondering its purpose.