Thursday, July 14, 2011

Does it suck?

  • Republicans most certainly do not suck, for it is liberals which suck.
  • Barack Obama does not suck, he is a great leader and speaker.
  • Harry Potter does not suck, it is one of the greatest series known to mankind.
  • Apple sucks, it caters to liberals and is nothing less than inferior to a PC.
  • Star Wars does not suck, it is the undisputed greatest series of all time. I very highly doubt it will ever be surpassed in awesomeness.
  • Facebook sucks, it wastes our time and makes people fat when they could be outside doing cool stuff.
  • McDonald's sucks, their ice cream machines are always broken so I can never get a milk shake
  • Clemson does not suck, it is a prestigious academic institution and tigers are very vicious and enjoy devouring chickens.
  • Lady Gaga does not suck, she is outlandish and unique yet is attractive to all audiences.
  • Justin Bieber sucks, he will eventually hit puberty and his music will all be faker than it already is.
  • Sudoku's suck, I have always considered myself good at math and puzzles yet I never have the patience to finish one of these.
  • Avatar does not suck, blue people with tails and flying mounts, need I say more?
  • Xbox sucks, this is even better than Facebook at making people fat and keeping them from going outside and doing cool stuff.
  • American Idol does not suck, although I am personally not a watcher I like the idea of allowing people to showcase their talents.
  • Glee does not suck, the cast members have great voices and good songs are usually chosen.
  • Cigarettes suck, they smell terrible, lead to lots of litter, and need I mention they kill people?
  • Guns suck, a real way to fight is man-to-man combat with cool karate moves and pure strength.
  • Abortion sucks, the choice to engage in acts which cause pregnancy leads to the necessary repercussions.
  • Clothed dogs suck, I am not even sure how to defend this, it just makes me want to punch their owners.

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