Friday, July 8, 2011

Rhetorical Analysis

For viewing purposes in order to properly connect with my writings, my selected picture can be found here: on the far right of the page. The argument being created here is obviously the graphic designer and game creators attempting to persuade people to play the game. This image would be place on the front cover of the video game case in order to grab the attention of a store browser. It caters to the excitement and thrills that a shopper is looking for from many age groups. The picture portrays fun and enjoyment, which a parent shopping for their child would most definitely be looking for, and it also contains bright colors and ridiculous scenarios which captivate a shopper. The basis of the game is also one which can draw someone in. The whole purpose of the cover art of the game is to pull in potential buyers and the title is simply "Crazy Taxi" which on first thought definitely seems both "crazy" and fun. The picture on the game communicates the excitement within the box and tries to cater to a wide audience for maximum moneymaking ability. The message here is clearly to buy the game, play it, and euphoria will follow, but I would not like to expand on an idea previously mentioned, the premise of the game. A game based on a taxi driving makes a simple mundane task into a pleasurable experience. It shows a taxi smashing into a shopping cart and a San Fransisco-esque scenery in the background. Potential buyers would consider the comedic value of creating an action packed game out of an everyday experience and be more likely to purchase the game.

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